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Posts Tagged "family counseling"

Real Food for Real Families: Keeping it clean

Food and mood are so closely connected.  As adults, if we pay attention, we can experience the affects of our food choices all day.  If we awaken to coffee and toast we are effectively adding acid and processed sugars to an empty plate.  Having fasted for 6-8 hours while asleep, our bodies need hydration and a boost from food rich…read more →

Have you lost control and yelled at your child recently?

Have you lost control and yelled at your child recently?

Is your child having daily melt-downs and tantrums? Are you worrying that you are too lenient? Too strict? Have things spiraled so far out of control that your home feels more like a war zone than your family’s safe haven? Have you stopped enjoying the company of one of your children or a spouse? Whatever the scenario, most of us…read more →

A guarantee of clarity, self worth, security…pretty useful stuff.

Follow the signs along the way. If they have led you here, take note. You are receiving nothing less than an invitation to experience clarity, self-worth, security. Oh really… What’s going on?! Recently a client I’ve been working with for a short time asked me why she was suddenly feeling so good. “What’s going on?!” she wanted to know. ”I…read more →

What to do when family health crisis strikes

Be prepared so goes the motto. But how to prepare for the unexpected when a family member is hurt or becomes seriously ill? A crisis of any kind generally occurs suddenly and unexpectedly. How we respond and communicate in moments of stress can make all the difference to our own well being as well as to the well being of a…read more →

Point one finger

We all have a favorite saying. I hear myself repeat this one a lot: Point one finger at someone else and the other four are pointing back at you. In the blame shame game who wins? I’ve been hearing a lot of people say that they want to bring more peace and love into the world. Imagine how light we…read more →

Feelings are not facts

Jealousy, anger, insecurity, fear… we have all experienced these emotions. Sometimes we believe and identify with negative feelings and begin to believe we really are these things – Jealous, Angry, Insecure, Fearful – when in reality, these are just feelings that are constantly changing. Feelings are not facts. Emotional awareness – an awareness of how we feel, not who we…read more →

Teach the teachers

Can improved communication with your child’s teachers help your child succeed? Often parents wait for their child’s quarterly or semester grades and reports to arrive before setting up a talk with teachers. When a parent opens a discovery based dialogue before reports arrive it can go along way to supporting their child and clarifying any areas of concern. Parents possess…read more →

Mindfulness…it only takes a moment

Give yourself a mindful moment… give yourself the world Daily Prescription: Mindful Meditative Practice. Why bother? cultivate kindness toward ourselves and the rest of the world enhance mental and physical agility better sleep, digestion, physical and sexual function cultivate tranquility, joy, and resilience in daily life awareness of our mind, body, and spirit awareness of reality acceptance of differences between ourselves and others I hear you already……read more →

Emotions are useful messengers

Is it hard to make arrangements with yourself? Dancing as fast as you can? Juggling home, work, school and the little details of every day can wipe you out if your first aid kit doesn’t include effective stress and time management tools. Simple band-aids won’t always do the trick. Managing stress and time just isn’t good enough. Like putting a…read more →

Beg to differ, Mr. President

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” —Thomas Jefferson Is that so? Let’s challenge this historic theory. What can’t we change? Other people. External influences. Nature’s due course. However, there is one thing that can help any man, (and woman, or…read more →